informed example sentences

Related (6): knowledgeable, aware, well-informed, educated, informed, up-to-date

" informed" Example Sentences

1. The doctor made an informed decision based on facts and research.
2. An informed electorate is essential for a democracy to function properly.
3. The buyer asked informed questions to make sure the product met his needs.
4. The architect made an informed recommendation based on years of experience.
5. The teacher gave students informed guidance to help them choose colleges.
6. The investment advisor provided clients with informed recommendations.
7. The journalist wrote an informed article comparing both sides of the issue.
8. I based my decision on informed opinions from experts in the field.
9. The instructor provided students with informed insights into the subject.
10. The review was thoughtfully and thoroughly informed by knowledge of the genre.
11. The general made a strategic decision informed by intelligence reports.
12. The expert witness gave informed testimony based on years of research.
13. She asked the scholar informed questions about the historical event.
14. The surveyor made an informed assessment of the condition of the property.
15. The choices were informed by years of hard-earned experience.
16. The critic wrote an informed critique of the novel based on his literary expertise.
17. The consultant provided informed recommendations based on industry best practices.
18. The scientist interpreted the results in an informed manner.
19. His opinion was not well informed on the subject at hand.
20. Her assertion lacked an informed perspective on the issue.
21. We made an informed decision based on facts and logical reasoning.
22. The plans were made with an informed consideration of all available options.
23. The writer provided historically informed contextualization for the events.
24. An informed understanding of history allows us to avoid past mistakes.
25. The report's conclusions were well informed by data and research.
26. The journalist's interview provided well-informed and nuanced perspectives.
27. The manager made a decision informed by data from several reliable sources.
28. His view was largely uninformed by facts on the matter.
29. The well-informed speech won over many skeptics in the audience.
30. The teacher strove to provide students with facts to inform their opinions.
31. The debate was well informed by evidence from both sides.
32. The jury made a decision informed by facts presented in the trial.
33. The researcher's hypothesis was informed by previous studies on the topic.
34. An informed consent form outlines risks and benefits to educate patients.
35. The analyst made an informed forecast based on historical data.
36. The committee came to an informed consensus based on data and expertise.
37. They based the treatment plan on an informed interpretation of the symptoms.
38. The student asked an informed question that sparked insightful class discussion.
39. The instructor strove to provide students with facts to inform their thinking.
40. The designer created a solution informed by end user research.
41. The news story provided well-informed background on the issue.
42. The historian strove for an informed and nuanced interpretation of past events.
43. The recommendation was informed by years of practical experience.
44. Her doubts betrayed an uninformed view of the subject matter.
45. The philosopher's thoughts were informed by extensive reading and reflection.
46. The editor requested informed feedback from early readers of the manuscript.
47. We made an educated and informed choice after considering our options.
48. The historian's interpretation was informed by new evidence that came to light.
49. The professor provided historically informed context for the political situation.
50. The politician voiced an uninformed opinion on a complicated subject.
51. The debate lacked nuanced and informed perspectives on the issue.
52. The teacher strove to inform students' opinions with facts and evidence.
53. The report lacked an informed analysis of the data presented.
54. The diagnosis was informed by careful consideration of all relevant factors.
55. Our policy is informed by evidence from social science research.
56. Her theory was largely uninformed by evidence from the field.
57. The recommendation was not well informed by facts or data.
58. The accusation lacked an informed perspective on the situation.
59. The outcome was greatly informed by years of research and experimentation.
60. The decision was informed by expert opinions and thorough risk analysis.

Common Phases

1. The doctor informed me that I have high blood pressure.
2. The teacher informed the students about the upcoming exam.
3. I was informed that the meeting has been canceled.
4. The manager informed all employees about the new company policy.
5. We were informed that the factory was going to close down.
6. The coach informed the players about the game plan for the next match.
7. The customers were informed about the temporary outage of the website.
8. The judge informed the jury of the legal procedures they needed to follow.
9. After reviewing the evidence, the detective informed the police chief of his findings.
10. The journalist informed the public about the latest news.
11. The police informed us that our lost luggage had been found.
12. I want to be well informed before I make a decision.
13. The supervisor informed all department heads about the upcoming changes.
14. I was misinformed about the time of the event.
15. The airline informed the passengers about the delayed departure time.
16. Please keep me informed of any developments.
17. The scientist informed the results of her research at the conference.
18. The defense attorney informed the witnesses of their rights.
19. The patient was well informed about the risks of the surgery.
20. The general informed his soldiers of the enemy's strengths and weaknesses.
21. The bridesmaids were well informed about the details of the wedding.
22. Would you like me to inform you once I get more information?
23. The law firm informed the client of her legal options.
24. The secretary informed her boss that the meeting had been postponed.
25. The professor informed the students about the consequences of plagiarism.
26. The conductor informed the orchestra members about changes in the score.
27. The governor informed the citizens about the latest situation following the hurricane.
28. The grandparents like to keep themselves well informed about their grandchildren's activities.
29. The parents were informed about the school's disciplinary policy.
30. The tour guide informed the tourists about the history of the castle.
31. The expert witness informed the court about the technical aspects of the case.
32. The police officer informed us that our vehicle had been towed.
33. The administrator informed the faculty about the changes in health insurance plans.
34. I did not inform my parents about failing the exam.
35. Please inform the receptionist about any changes in plans.
36. The school authorities were well informed about the threats.
37. The embassy informed citizens about the security situation in the country.
38. The announcement informed the public about the strike.
39. I'll inform you once I have more details about the job opportunity.
40. The news bulletin informed the listeners about current events.
41. The nurse informed the patient's family members about his condition.
42. The clerk informed me about required documents for the application.
43. The witness was not fully informed about details of the case.
44. The lawyer misinformed me about certain aspects of the case.
45. I want to remain well informed about innovations in my field of work.
46. The protesters were not adequately informed about consequences of their actions.
47. I was unaware and misinformed about many things before joining this group discussion.
48. The company informed its investors about the quarterly earnings.
49. The doctor thoroughly informed me about my diagnosis and treatment options.
50. The president informed the nation about the country's economic situation.
51. The neighbor informed us about the recent robberies in the area.
52. The park ranger informed us about trail conditions and cautions.
53. The students were well informed about the exam requirements.
54. The sergeant informed the recruits about expected challenges of basic training.
55. The announcement informed readers about new library hours.
56. The fire chief informed the media about the extent of damage from the wildfire.
57. The email informed me about recent changes to company policy.
58. I was misinformed about the location of the meeting place.
59. The meteorologist informed viewers about the expected path of the hurricane.
60. The board member informed the association about new rules and regulations.

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